Feb 22
AGM 2024
The V7RLA’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Monday, February 26th at 19:00. All residents and leaseholders are encouraged to attend. You need to be a member of the RLA, but can join for free at www.vizion7.org/join. Please mark your calendar and register your attendance here so we can get an idea of numbers.
We will hold our AGM remotely via MS Teams at the following link: Click here to join the meeting
The agenda is:
7:05pm Start: agenda
7:05-7:30 (25 min) Chair's report
7:30-7:35 (5min) Treasurer's report
7:35-7:45 (5-10 min) Election of new committee
7:45-8:15 (30min) Q&A
8:15 Formal end of the meeting
Approval of previous minutes
The minutes from the 2023 AGM will be approved. (See attached file.)
The current committee members have offered to serve another one-year term with the following proposed positions:
Chair: Simon Murphy
Secretary: Elisa Cavatorta
Treasurer: John Theis
Committee member: Jeremy Perkins
Committee member: Giuseppe Trovato
Considering the upcoming work on the development, the Committee is particularly in need of expertise in the law, in central government, and in the construction and insurance sectors. Any member can nominate themselves for any role.
If you would like to join the committee please send your name, flat number, a short bio and the position you would like to stand for to <info@vizion7.org> by end of Sunday 25th February 2024.
We are a collaborative and cohesive team of volunteers eager to accommodate any time commitment. Any of us is available for answering questions about any of the positions.
We look forward to receiving your expression of interest to join the Committee and hope to see you on February 26 at 7pm. Let's work together to make the community and life in the development better!
Vizion7 RLA Committee
2023 AGM Minutes (version 2)
28 February 2023
263 KB